The European Union imposed a new regulation for all shipments (coming from all countries except for Norway and Switzerland): the Import Control System (ICS).
It comes from the Commission Regulation 1875/2006:
Those measures should produce faster and better targeted customs controls, and consist in the analysis and electronic exchange of risk information between customs authorities and between those authorities and the Commission under a common risk management framework, the requirement for pre-arrival and predeparture information to be provided to the customs authorities on all goods entering or leaving the customs territory of the Community.
In simple terms, it means the shipper (e.g. your Chinese suppliers) will have to declare which products will be shipped out. This declaration has to be performed before the closing date.
One of my French clients called me, and told me this new regulation is actually enforced starting next week (not on 1st Jan., as is written in official documents).
Impact for inspection & shipment timing:
Depending on the shipping port, forwarders ask for the “Entry Summary Declaration” 2 to 5 days before the closing date. Official sources mention 24 hours for sea shipments from Asia, but in practice it is not true.
It means the importer’s decision, following the final random inspection, has to be given to the supplier several days before the closing date.
Has anyone got more information on the practical implications of this new regulation?
Hello, 1 day before stuffing my agent coming up with the new EU Regulation reg EORI Number which is identically to the UST ID Number with DE……..and the ENS 24 hours before closing…..its rather frustrating to see this EU rules making a hell of work addtly…not to talk about the scanning and physical inspection on costs of importer..
Yes, that regulation was introduced rather abruptly… That’s my feeling too.
Yeah ENS is quite a pain..I would be interested in getting an idea of how much shippers are charging for this..because I was quite surprised when my agent said he needs 200RMB for ENS?
I have no idea about the cost of this procedure for the shipper. But 200 rmb is really a small sum, I am surprised that they charge it back to you…
ENS is charged at 25usd/BL for some agents in China, and as is per BL, in large contracts, it adds up.
Yes it adds up quickly!