What is driving China's tech dominance? How are they innovating today? Who are some key tech industry leaders? How is technology caught up in the US-China trade war? We answer these, and more, questions here as we look into how China rose … [Read more...]
When Should American Companies Reshore Manufacturing Or Stay In China?
In recent times it's very common to see stories about American companies scrambling to reshore manufacturing and leave China and the data seems to support this trend of reshoring or finding other locations. However, I suspect the American … [Read more...]
China Still Best For New & Complex Manufacturing Projects
Steve Dickinson wrote an article (Moving Manufacturing from China: Where you Gonna Run?) that got me thinking about complex manufacturing projects and China. He outlines the main reasons why China became "the factory of the world" so … [Read more...]
How the US/China Trade War Accelerates the ‘Made in China 2025’ Plan
Many journalists wrote about the new tariffs, how the situation will likely evolve over the next few months, and who the winners and losers might end up being. What I realized is, this situation is helping Beijing accelerate the … [Read more...]