Let's discuss factory audit selection, covering the ins and outs of different audits and how to select the best one for your needs. You'll learn about initial factory evaluations, quality system audits, social compliance audits, and … [Read more...]
Using Factory Audits To Qualify Your Chinese Suppliers
When I talk to someone who is contemplating whether they should work with a particular supplier, I advise them to visit the factory and/or have it audited. And this can lead to confusion, as the next question is usually "what type of … [Read more...]
3 Common Ways Factories Try to Cheat Inspectors/Auditors
Every day in China, in Vietnam, in Bangladesh, and in India, thousands of inspectors and auditors take a bus or a car to a factory. And, in some of those factories, managers are plotting how to cheat those unwelcome visitors. Let's look … [Read more...]